Supporting LWBC

During the recent lock down period of the COVID-19 pandemic a number of people have asked if they can give to support the work of LWBC.

As a church you will not find us asking for money as we believe God will provide and is more than capable of prompting others to give when He needs to release resources for His church.

If however you would like to give, we have provided a PDF download here, and a WORD Doc download here which include our details and ways you could support LWBC inc Gift Aid details.

Giving Online

If you would like to give online please click the donate button below, this will take you to our PayPal account and a donation can be made with a few clicks – if you want to do a recurring donation there is a simple check box to enable this too.

or scan our QR Code

Considering what to give?

While there are a number of scriptures that talk about giving – we believe that amounts should never be the focus.

2 Corinthians 9:7-8

7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.


We believe giving is born from a heart attitude, and while a 10th or a tithe is mentioned in the bible, there are in fact 3 tithes, plus gifts and other giving that are mentioned.

A truthful observation with money is that most will live up to (or even just beyond) their income, so to manage our finances well, we can apply a very simple principal which can help us get our finances in check.

  1. We ‘give’ what we have decided to give to God first – before we do anything else, be this a tenth of our income (net or gross) – you cheerfully decide.
  2. We ‘save’ some of our income – there will always be something unexpected that will need an injection of cash at some point – be ready for it
  3.  We ‘live’ with what is left and not put ourselves into un-managed debt… simples!

The reality is most live beyond what they have, nothing saved for things that break or emergencies, and as for giving to God… He can have any spare change I might have. Not only does this second model not work, it leads to a very stressful life, potentially always in debt with money ruling everything.

Whether we have a little or a lot, Paul teaches us to be content with all things… Give, Save, Live without financial burdens….and know the peace of God.